Start your journey to more joyful golf.

Author, Erika Larkin PGA

Best Seller since 2017
Full Color, Easy to read
5 Phases of a True Swing in detail
Over 40 Drills/ Faults & Fixes
Good News!
Your "True Swing" is already in you! Erika Larkin, one of America's Top 50 Teachers will teach you how to use the simple laws of physics to create an efficient motion without tension, manipulation or mechanical thoughts. Bridging old school with new school ideas, Erika will show you how to let momentum do the work to gain effortless power and more consistency.
True Swing first feel!
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The word on the range.....
Erika, I just read your book and really liked it. Over the last couple of years, I have simply lost my swing. I am 55 years young. I did not play golf as a youngster but picked it up around 24. I was a college basketball player and I needed a new sport. I worked hard and I used the Ernest Jones method "Swing the Clubhead". I got pretty good and qualified for our State Open at age 44. I won local tournaments but I have struggled the last couple of years. Your book has helped. I started working on your concepts over the last week and have been encouraged. I would like to schedule a lesson with you. - Rich G.
I am 70 years old in San Francisco. I take lessons from an 82 year old deciple of Ernest Jones. I combine that with Gary Edwin, the father of golf in Australia ( look up ) and the joy of the book Quantum Golf ( great Book ) and I can shoot in the 70’s Your focus on tension is so good. Wishing you great success! 😀🏌🏻 - Nick A
I wish I had found this book years ago but I am so happy I found it now! Erika takes examples and analogies to walk through the mechanics of a “true golf swing” in a way I found to be particularly effective. This book helped me to deconstruct my swing and rebuild based on strong fundamentals while considering what drills I can apply to my problem areas.
...My frustration over a few bad shots sent me off searching for a new 'fix', which led to even more wayward attempts to get it right. But, in the back of my mind, after all of these years, it was the swing that Bobby Lee taught to me which seemed to be my True Swing. Well, to make a long story even longer, last week I was watching some YouTube videos with Manuel de la Torre. And, I thought, "this is getting close to what I've been looking for." That search led me to find your instructional videos AND your book!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to have stumbled across this gem! It's the exact same instruction that was given to me by Bobby Lee, and it's given me hope to recapture that easy, free flowing, consistent swing that has been alluding me. THANK YOU for writing this book! I can't wait to get back on the range and start implementing your tips. I also gave a "shout-out" to your book on the "MyGolfSpy" website, highly recommending it! So, here's to a more confident, dependable, lower-scoring game. Your book is a God-send, Erika!!!
My compliments to you!
I ran across some of your You Tube tutorials, then bought (and devoured) your book. I'm 77 and used to have an index of five. My goal now is to shoot my age and declare victory. The transition at the top has always been a challenge to me.Your description of this as a "fall" has worked miracles. If Iived in Virginia, I'd most certainly be paying you a visit for lessons. However, I'm here in Los Angeles, hoping you can do a west coast swing someday. Thanks again for making this a more fun game through a relaxed swing. My best wishes and gratitude for your teaching gifts. -Tom M.
Hi Erika, I hope you don't mind me contacting you and l'm sure you receive many messages like this, but I really wanted to thank you. I recently purchased your True Swing Sequence course through Performance golf. The two rounds of golf l've played since have felt transformational. Having spent the last three months trying 'improve my game ready for the spring' I was at the despondent point of feeling like I'd made no progress at all. Following your principles has felt completely different and now l'm really enjoying the experience of striking the ball. Of course not every shot is perfect, but I genuinely feel that by continuing to work on swinging without tension I'm going to gradually improve my accuracy and repeatability. More importantly I'm just enjoying the game more! Removing tension from my swing seems to have also removed tension from my game, and I'm a better person!
-Dan G.
I’ve received several golf lessons along with reading several books. I’ve never heard about swing the body and ignoring the arms to your hands during the swing. I tried the instructions in this book with an indoor facility with a face front and back camera views. I couldn’t believe how my swing mechanics flowed so effortlessly and correctly using Erika Larkin’s golf instructions. This facility also gave me yardage and all my clubs had anywhere from 10-15 extra yards with a nice draw. I only have 5 hours of practice following A True Swing, can’t wait to get to a golf course. I’m sure I’ll revert to my old swing while I’m adjusting to the True Swing. Erika Larkin, great job on creating this book.
I have about every golf instructional book that has been printed. This book may be my all time favorite. She presents a simple, efficient approach to the golf swing.
I first began using Erika’s True Swing training via her video series. I bought the book because I wanted to have a hard copy for reference and further insight. I’m really glad I did. The book has much more content and background and explanation than I was able to get from the videos. I’m averaging 6 strokes better than my handicap (20) from last year already. I’m not getting the same yardage from my former going for the fence swing, but who cares? It’s the results that matter. Looking forward to further improving my game. Highly recommend this!
This book is an absolute masterpiece. I read this from cover to cover and used each of the five phases of the golf swing as my focal point for practice sessions in the simulator. The concepts she articulates are simple to understand and deeply rooted in logic and basic physics.
I’ve watched countless hours of YouTube videos and read numerous articles on the topic of good golf swing mechanics, and nothing comes even close to the five-phase sequence that Erika introduces in the book. In addition to the swing mechanics chapter, there’s a section on the fundamental science behind a swing, along with a chart you can create to use during practice that will help you diagnose areas for improvement. I wish I had come across this book many years ago.
I’ve seen immediate improvements by incorporating her teachings and exercises. This book is spectacular and something that should be part of your golf bag. It’s more than an instructional aid. It will completely transform your thought process and simplify the heck out of the golf swing. And dare I say it…bring joy back to your golf game. I’m now a forever fan of Erika’s teachings.
Excellent instructions. The very best at explaining the SWING in golf. Easy to understand and gained quick results. Using Ms. Larkins method I was able to feel the clubhead for the first time. I have read Jones, La Torra and many others, but this puts it all together. I only wished I lived closer the her home course so I could take lessons in person. Recommended to anyone wishing to swing smoothly and with ease. Golf is ten times more enjoyable since I read this book.
In this confusing modern age of "zeroing out your numbers," author Larkin stands on the shoulders of Ernest Jones (and others) and adds her own contribution to understanding the fundamentals of golf. Ms. Larkin truly understands cause and effect and where the focus of the swing should be. Brilliant!
Joe Hallett, LPGA Tour Coach
"Erika Larkin brings the best of a new mind and and old school values to the golf swing and game - a perfect combination for you to play your best- open this book and don't put it down!"
Michael Jacobs, Top 50 Coach
"The golf swing can be as complex as you make it. There is literally unlimited information about one of the most complicated motions in all of sports. That's why Erika's book is so important. She does a great job breaking down what can be an intimidating process into a series of simple and easy-to-follow steps, and she does it without compromising the swing's essential elements. A True Swing is a must-read for any golfer who wants to play better."
Ann Liguori, CBS Sports Radio